My brother (elder) e-mailed this to my sister(not a JW). The Francisco Pope praises J.W worldwide. Oh shit, they will have a field day with this. Old news 2015....
Linda Strang
my brother (elder) e-mailed this to my sister(not a jw).
the francisco pope praises j.w worldwide.
oh shit, they will have a field day with this.
My brother (elder) e-mailed this to my sister(not a JW). The Francisco Pope praises J.W worldwide. Oh shit, they will have a field day with this. Old news 2015....
Linda Strang
laughing my a-off watching the comedian lewis black and he mention what carson said, and i thought surely old ben didn't say that.
i b- damn, he said it.
black said " he said this in front of a lot of people and i'am surprise no one came up to him and said ben, you must come with us now"... .
Laughing my A-off watching the comedian Lewis Black and he mention what Carson said, and I thought surely old Ben didn't say that. I B- damn, he said it. Black said " he said this in front of a lot of people and I'am surprise no one came up to him and said Ben, you must come with us now"...
so the wife was watching the latest installment of jw broadcasting and near the end there was a new segment on dating and courtship.
it starts at about the 39 minute mark:.
I would feel sorry for the brother if he married this woman, but on second thought she may suggest they can live off her folks and pioneer. So the young man she married complain to the elders she is not spiritual enough for him, she enjoy shopping and eating too much.....
if he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
I'am not as bad as B. Clinton, what the hell is he saying. I'am not as a bigger pervert as Bill....Why does he continue to bring up Bill, he is not on the ticket.....
would i?
i wouldn't mind if he slept through eternity (he sleeps most of the time anyway).
i'd just like to be able to move him around occasionally.
According to DR. J. Bradshaw who's studied felines for over 30 years, "cats were never bred for companionship. In fact, they tend to think of humans as big,lazy overgrown fellow cats, which might explain some of that cool disinterested behavior towards us. I wish my neighbor cat stop pissing on my front screen door, stop marking his territory....
if he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
From French author Marie-Cecile Naves "Trump represents the America we love to hate. He is our negative mirror image, a man we see as brutal, who worships money and like culture___someone who lets us feel a bit superior about being European".
if he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
krejames: "comparisons are being made to the rise of hitler". Holy shit!
i went to field service group once and the young elder taking the group was wearing a hat and said the prayer with a hat on.
i informed him later that you are not meant to have head covering, he said he was unaware of such things.
now that the calibre of recruiting on the part of co..
I guess he never read 1 Corinthians 11:7. But the hat thing is a joke most religion wear some type of head covering Pope, skullcap by Muslims, Kippah by Judaism and we have the turbans. It interesting that we here in the western culture considered it rude or disrespectful for a man to wear a hat inside a church...So which is it hat or no hat, I'am bald on the top that's why I haven't entered a KH hall in years.
if he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
You folks in the UK, Canada and other countries what are your countrymen saying about our candidates????Please be kind...... I ask because when B. Clinton was president and got caught with his trousers down I can't remember the particular country but it was said,"it was no big deal" in fact they thought it was funny how we Americans got bent out of shape over something so small.
if he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
A Ha> That's funny. Yes I remember that movie "The Producers".